Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It is amazing how much there is to learn!  And how  much people are capable of learning.  What is also really great is how many ways it is possible to use the same kind of technology.  And while I sit here, trying to multi-task, it is amazing how technology doesn't work sometimes.  I can't log on to the moodle.  All I can think of is how difficult today will be for our leaders if it isn't working by the time the class starts.  I filled in the survey for Tuesday last night, just before bed here at my sister's house, but couldn't get it to upload.  I found out this morning it was because they turn off the internet when they aren't using it and didn't think I would be using it so didn't leave it on. 
I have some clearer ideas of how I want to use google apps for the student's digital portfolios.  So I am excited for another day of learning!

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